Employment for poeple with special needs

Disability is defined as the inability to perform a task which can be performed by an individual of same age. The severity of the disability varies according to the impairment. Sometimes, a small impairment can contribute to major disability like loss of thumb. Loss of thumb or dexterity impairment results in poor grip, loss of fine motor control and fist strength. Disability not only put challenges in physical aspect but also disturbs the financial and psychological status. Moreover, in developing countries still the disabled are considered as poor performer and never given a status of performing/productive person.

Persons born with the disability are NOT abnormal, are NOT different, are NOT fragile, and are NOT sick. Inspite of their different disabilities they are normal and healthy in having "normal" desires, "normal" dreams, and "normal" goals of wanting to be healthy happy successful productive people in life. With disability and Having "normal" desires, "normal" dreams, and "normal" goals of wanting to be healthy happy successful productive people in life does NOT make PWD’s to be abnormal, or different, or sick people. This is what; we all who are so called normal have to understand.
Education and vocation are the important areas where most of the PWD’s face problems. Unavailability of proper information, assistive devices and technologies, poor acceptance in the community are the factors which drags the PWD’s back and never let them to attain their aims and goals. Disabled persons face serious challenges in looking for work and getting adjusted in the work environment. Assistance programs are often complex and poorly coordinated, forcing individuals to be a poor performer. Employers are often reluctant to hire the disabled, which do discourage them from looking for work and even if they hire they are not able to make the place suitable for work like improper tools or unavailability of the assistive devices for them. Some time the colleagues don’t feel comfortable to work with the disabled. Young people with disabilities, especially those who are leaving school and preparing to work, face a particularly rough road.
The unemployment rate of the disabled is as less double than a person without disability. This shows the labour or market tendency toward the disabled. The opportunities and the options for the disabled are lesser than non disabled. Despite these statistics PWD’s want to work and become independent. It is not only they wish but some do have the skills, education and able to perform.
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month of US, which was created to recognize the contributions and skills of American disabled. In India this level of awareness is still lacking. We have to take initiatives for vocational rehabilitation of PWD’s.
 In many studies it has been found that the PWD’s are more sincere on work and dedicated.
 The political and work environment is more harmonious.
 Hiring in regular jobs helps in integration of the disabled people in regular life and achieving social integration of PWD’s.
 Employment for a disabled means psychosocial and economic benefits, self-esteem, a sense of belonging, and self-actualization.
 Getting a suitable job, social security are their rights provided by Govt.
 Currently, individuals with disabilities are the largest untapped labour pool for the employers. Hiring the disabled not only leads to rise in the disabled status but also helps in the overall increase of the GDP of the nation.
 The gainful employment of individuals with disabilities will relieve some of their financial burdens and also will reduce the amounts that Social Security and other public-assistance systems or other financial schemes started by the Govt for the benefit of the disabled.
 Increased employee productivity and organizational performance through a more diversified employee base and corporation.
 Company gets a benefit of lower economic costs because of lower absenteeism and decreased employee turnover.
 The companies who hire individuals with disabilities better able to serve customers with disabilities, they also indicate that they will treat their current employees fairly if they become disabled. Increased productivity, efficiency, and positive community involvement and perceptions also are benefits to organizations that hire the disabled.
Specific Steps for Working with Disabled Employees
Employment for the disabled needs a full strategy programme. Planning involves the assessment, work space, assistive devices and supports required by the disabled.
• Show support. Demonstrate emotional and social support by creating an environment that is caring and supportive. Coworkers may offer assistance with child care, meals, rides to medical appointments and fundraisers.
• Sensitise the co workers. The coworkers should have been informed prior so that they can adjust well.
• Maintain contact. Keep in touch with phone calls and cards. This is especially important for direct supervisors but something coworkers can do as well.
• Provide accommodations and transport if possible. Flexible schedules, part-time work, decreased travel, working from home, temporarily reduced responsibilities, and having a private rest area in the workplace can all help ill employees.
• Barrier free environment. This is the foremost work of workplace so the PWD’s should not feel uncomfortable and feel free to access the workplace. The furniture and the assistive devices should be provided. Parking close to the building and having a wheelchair or motorized scooter available in the workplace can also be beneficial. Some times the employer may need the modified and adaptive software for their employees
It is beneficial for the individual, company, society and country, when a disabled person gets a job. Let’s join our hands and work together without any discrimination

Posted byNeeti at 10:11 PM  


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