Easy to Cope

Disability not only affect the person who is inflicted rather it also disturbs others like parents and family members equally or more. As treatment is ongoing process so sometimes parents get frustrated. Thus getting professional counselling is one of the most important aspects because parents are pivotal in the management of their child. The main objectives of counselling is to properly explain the child's condition and help the parents to accept it, guide them regarding proper treatment, address their concerns about the child, try to alleviate the immense psychosocial stress that they face, remove the feelings of guilt and blame and help build positive attitudes. Both the parents, and sometimes the grandparents too need to be counselled together. It channelize the parents' thought process towards positive goals.

No matter, how much our country is progressive still in disability field we are back, poor awareness of the disability and its denial may aggravate the problem.As a family it becomes its duty to take care of their child no matter how the child is. So there are few tips that might help them to cope up better to the situation.

1. Educate yourself about your child conditions from various resources available. It not only helps you to know about the problem rather it also helps you to get the right diagnosis on right time. It also prevents you from misleading.
2. Accept the child as s/he is. Don’t just concentrate on what the child cannot do rather try to find what the child can do. This provides you more positive outlook.
3. Be patient. Discuss your concerns with your relatives, spouse, friends and professionals. This helps you in coping with your own fears and anxieties, also helps in developing good relations with others.
4. Spread awareness about the disability, what your child has. It helps in uplifting yourself.
5. Join a ‘self help group’ or ‘ support group’ which can give you the right direction by sharing their experience and guide you. If you could not get any group try to find a family or relatives with the help of professional you even can help each other.
6. Make time for yourself and your interests. This seems hard or near to impossible for most of the parents but remember that we can take care of others if we are happy. So indulge yourself occasionally and time to yourself.
7. Celebrate and enjoy your child’s every success no matter even if it is small one. This encourages the child.
8. Consider your child as normal as possible, give proper attention but don’t pamper him. Like normal child the child with special needs does learn, may be slower.
9. Be brave and remember no efforts go into vain.
10. Meet other parents who are having similar problem and share your efforts and concerns. Don’t hesitate.
11. Be advocate for your child.
12. Try to update your knowledge about the benefits and schemes provided by the Government.

Posted byNeeti at 12:28 AM  


Unknown said... December 22, 2007 at 7:19 PM  

thanks a lot for sharing such and informative article.

It talks a number of important points to take care and think about.

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